Daniel Gywnn
Daniel Gwynn, a Christian born in Philadelphia January 1970, and reborn November 1995 on PA's death row after his unjust murder conviction. In spite of his 26 years of solitary confinement, he earned his GED and a paralegal degree. He became a self-taught international award winning artist whose paintings were featured in many periodicals & exhibitions to promote criminal justice reforms and bring awareness to wrongful convictions. His artworks has been gifted to Pope Francis (A Man For All People 2015) , and the Duke of Cambridge (portrait, Princess Diana & sons 2012); they're also used to raise funds for scholarship programs gifted to victims family & holiday food packages for the mentally ill & elderly prisoners. There are many unsung humanitarian accomplishments he seeks no recognition for. He's affiliated with many organizations out to reform a broken system and extend a bit of humanity, hope & friendship: Art for Justice; ACAT (Christians Against Torture); Human Writes; Compassion; Lifespark; & Lifelines. Although Daniel's dreams of raising a family has been ripped away from him, along with half of his life, he still clings to hope for a better future. He started out with nothing, and because of his unjustified conviction he fought back through education and hard work. Painting has helped him survive the hardships of death row, and earn the income & support to gain that education to help himself & others.
-Daniel Gywnn